Friday, April 20, 2012

Letter to the Editor (4/19/2012)

The following is a letter to the Editor that appeared in the Thursday, April 19 edition of the Rhino Times:

Voting for Hardister 

 Twenty-five years ago, my backyard neighbor, who was always complaining about local government, told me he had not registered to vote because he didn't want to serve jury duty. It made me realize that if you don't get involved, you deserve what you get.

 Jump ahead to today and a knock on my front door. When I go to open it, standing there is a young man who introduces himself to me by saying, "I'm Jon Hardister, and I'm running for the North Carolina House." He tells me he was raised in Greensboro, attended high school here and graduated with a degree in political science.

 Notice he still hasn't told me if he was running as a Republican or a Democrat. He does tell me his leadership skills didn't evolve overnight, but came from hard work in the private sector.

 He tells me he has a vision for North Carolina. He wants our state to be business friendly. He wants to control spending, lower taxes. He wants to make government more efficient. He believes education is the key to good jobs in the community. I may be registered Unaffiliated but I will be voting for Jon Hardister.

John Woolsey 